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Packing and delivery
  ..... My first Matryoshka was shipped in New York, USA. It was packed so firmly that it could stand shipping to Mars. But nevertheless I was in terribly excitement all days it was in journey. Since that time I have shipped many dolls in different places of the world. Packing became some simpler and excitement is not so terrible now. All of my dolls have finished their travel well, none of them was damaged. Please look at photo and make sure of packing reliable   Photo: Matryoshka in pack

..... I use only airmail shipping. It is some more expensive but considerably more fast and reliable then other delivery ways. Terms of delivery are very different. I really do not know what this depends on. One of my dolls arrived in Montreal, Canada after 28 days of its travel. And another Matryoshka was delivered to a small settelment in Texas, USA in 6 days.
..... However that may be, be that as it may - all my Matryoshkas owners was satisfied with packing quality and delivery terms. Hope you will join them soon.